
Material UI

Hello World

DroidScript MUI Controls

A set of controls you can use to create elegant user interfaces inspired by Google's Material Design.

To use the MUI controls, you must first configure your app by placing the following line at the top of your main file

 cfg.MUI, cfg.Light

Once you have done this, an instance of the MUI object is created and is available globally.

Example - Example

cfg.MUI, cfg.Light

function OnStart()
    lay = app.CreateLayout("Linear", "VCenter, FillXY");
    lay.SetBackColor( MUI.colors.white );

    btn = MUI.CreateButtonRaised("BUTTON", 0.4, null, MUI.colors.teal.teal);

    btn = MUI.CreateButtonRaisedO("BUTTON", 0.4, null, MUI.colors.teal.teal);

    btn = MUI.CreateButtonRound("BUTTON", 0.4, null, MUI.colors.deepPurple.darken1);

    btn = MUI.CreateButtonRoundO("BUTTON", 0.4, null, MUI.colors.deepPurple.darken1);

    btn = MUI.CreateButtonElegant("BUTTON", 0.4, null,;

    btn = MUI.CreateButtonFlat("BUTTON", 0.4, null,;

    btn = MUI.CreateButtonToggle("TOGGLE", 0.4, null, true, OnToggle,;


function OnToggle(val)
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