

Hello World
- Comparison

Animate calls a function repeatedly like setInterval() but with the current time (Date.getTime()) and the difference to the last call in milliseconds as parameter.

app.Animate( callback, fps )

To stop the animation loop you can pass null as first argument.
You can not have multiple animation loops at once.
When using cfg.NoDom; you cannot use JavaScripts setInterval but only the Animate function.
Note: The NoDom option is currently not available due to GooglePlays 64bit requirement since August 2019.


setInterval: about 242 calls per second
app.Animate: about 217 calls per second

with “NoDom” option:
setInterval: error
app.Animate: up to 1000 calls per second

Example - Multiple Animation loops

function OnStart()
    lay = app.CreateLayout("Linear");

    txt1 = app.CreateText("0");

    txt2 = app.CreateText("0");


    // delay between calls: 1000ms / 10fps = 100 ms
    // for higher precision use higher fps
    app.Animate(loop, 10);

var t1 = 0, t2 = 0, n1 = 0, n2 = 0;
function loop(t, dt)
    // set txt1 every 500 ms
    if(t - t1 >= 500)
        txt1.SetText(++n1 + "\tdt: " + (t - t1));
        t1 = t;

    // set txt2 every 300 ms
    if(t - t2 >= 300)
        txt2.SetText(++n2 + "\tdt: " + (t - t2));
        t2 = t;
from native import app

def OnStart():
    global txt1, txt2, n1, n2
    lay = app.CreateLayout("Linear")

    txt1 = app.CreateText("0")

    txt2 = app.CreateText("0")


    # delay between calls: 1000ms / 10fps = 100 ms
    # for higher precision use higher fps
    app.Animate(loop, 10)

t1 = 0
t2 = 0
n1 = 0
n2 = 0
def loop(t, dt):
    # set txt1 every 500 ms
    if t - t1 >= 500:
        txt1.SetText(str(++n1) + "\tdt: " + str(t - t1))
        t1 = t

    # set txt2 every 300 ms
    if t - t2 >= 300:
        txt2.SetText(str(++n2) + "\tdt: " + str(t - t2))
        t2 = t
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Example - Digital Clock

function OnStart()
    app.SetOrientation( "Portrait" );
    app.SetDebugEnabled( false );

    lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "FillXY,VCenter" );

    txt = app.CreateText( "", -1, -1, "multiline" );
    txt.SetTextSize( 30 );
    lay.AddChild( txt );

    app.AddLayout( lay );

    app.Animate( OnAnimate, 30 );

function OnAnimate( time, dtime )
    txt.SetText( new Date().toLocaleString() + "\n" + time );
from native import app

def OnStart():
    global txt

    lay = app.CreateLayout("Linear", "FillXY,VCenter")

    txt = app.CreateText("", -1, -1, "multiline")


    app.Animate( OnAnimate, 30 );
    app.Animate(OnAnimate, 30)

def OnAnimate(time, dtime):
    txt.SetText(str(new Date().toLocaleString()) + "\n" + str(time))
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Example - SpeedTest


var ltime =, c = 0;

function OnStart()
    lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "FillXY,VCenter" );

    txt = app.CreateText( "", .5, .1, "left" );
    lay.AddChild( txt );

    app.AddLayout( lay );

    app.Animate(OnAnimate, 1000);

function OnAnimate( time, dtime )
    if( time - ltime >= 1000 ) {
        txt.SetText( c + " cps" );
        ltime = time;
        c = 0;
# cfg.No_Dom

from native import app
import time as Date

ltime =
c = 0

def OnStart():
    global txt
    lay = app.CreateLayout("Linear", "FillXY,VCenter")

    txt = app.CreateText("", .5, .1, "left")


    app.Animate(OnAnimate, 1000);
    app.Animate(OnAnimate, 1000)

def OnAnimate(time, dtime):
    c += 1
    if time - ltime >= 1000:
        txt.SetText(str(c) + " cps")
        ltime = time
        c = 0
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Number: frames per second
function( time, dtime )