

Hello World
- Properties
- Methods

Adds a dialog into your app.

dlg = ui.addDialog( title, body, actions, options ) → Object: Dialog Component


These are the setter and getter properties for the addDialog Component.

Example - Basic

class Main extends App
        // Create a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered
        this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

        // Add button to the main layout to show the dialog when clicked.
        this.btn = ui.addButton(this.main, "Show Dialog", "Contained,Primary")
        this.btn.setOnTouch( this.showDialog )

        // Message to be displayed in the Dialog component
        var bodyText = "Let Google help apps determine location. This means sending anonymous location data to Google, even when no apps are running."

        // Initialize the Dialog component with `Agree` and `Disagree` action buttons
        this.dlg = ui.addDialog("Use Google's location service?", bodyText, "Disagree,Agree")

        // Show the Dialog component when the button is click.
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    global dlg
    # Create a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

    # Add button to the main layout to show the dialog when clicked.
    btn = ui.addButton(main, "Show Dialog", "Contained,Primary")

    # Message to be displayed in the Dialog component
    bodyText = "Let Google help apps determine location. This means sending anonymous location data to Google, even when no apps are running."

    # Initialize the Dialog component with `Agree` and `Disagree` action buttons
    dlg = ui.addDialog("Use Google's location service?", bodyText, "Disagree,Agree")

def showDialog(event):
    # Show the Dialog component when the button is clicked.
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Example - NoCancel

class Main extends App
        // Create a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered
        this.main = ui.addLayout( "main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

        // Add a button to the main layout.
        this.btn = ui.addButton( this.main, "Show Dialog", "Contained,Primary" )

        // Add a callback handler for `onTouch` event on the button.
        this.btn.setOnTouch( this.showDialog )

        // Message to display
        var bodyText = "Let Google help apps determine location. This means sending anonymous location data to Google, even when no apps are running."

        // Initialize the Dialog component and pass a `NoCancel` option.
        this.dlg = ui.addDialog( "Use Google's location service?", bodyText, "Close,Agree", "NoCancel" )

        // Add a callback handler for `onAction` event on the Dialog component
        this.dlg.setOnAction( this.onAction );

        // Show the Dialog component when button is click;

    onAction( action )
        if(action == "Close")
            ui.showPopup("There you go.");
            ui.showPopup("Oops! You can't close me here.");
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    global dlg
    # Create a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

    # Add a button to the main layout.
    btn = ui.addButton(main, "Show Dialog", "Contained,Primary")

    # Add a callback handler for `onTouch` event on the button.

    # Message to display
    bodyText = "Let Google help apps determine location. This means sending anonymous location data to Google, even when no apps are running."

    # Initialize the Dialog component and pass a `NoCancel` option.
    dlg = ui.addDialog("Use Google's location service?", bodyText, "Close,Agree", "NoCancel")

    # Add a callback handler for `onAction` event on the Dialog component

def showDialog(event):
    # Show the Dialog component when button is clicked

def onAction(action, index):
    if action == "Close":
        ui.showPopup("There you go.")
        ui.showPopup("Oops! You can't close me here.")
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Example - Adding controls to the dialog

class Main extends App
        // Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")
        this.main.setChildMargins(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01)

        // Adds a text control to the main layout.
        this.txt = ui.addText(this.main, "Email: ", "", 0.7)

        // Adds a button to show the dialog.
        this.btn = ui.addButton(this.main, "Show Dialog", "Contained,Primary")

        // Add a callback handler for `ontouch` event on the button control
        // to show the Dialog component
        this.btn.setOnTouch( this.showDialog )

        var bodyText = "To subscribe to this website, please enter your email address here. We will send updates occasionally."

        // Initialize the dialog.
        this.dlg = ui.addDialog("Subscribe", bodyText, "Cancel,Subscribe")

        // Add a callback handler for `onaction` event on the Dialog componenti
        this.dlg.setOnAction( this.onAction )

        // Adding textfield to the main layout
        this.tfd = ui.addTextField(this.dlg.layout, "", "Filled")
        this.tfd.label = "Email Address"


    onAction( action )
        // Check the button that is click.
        if( action == "Subscribe" )
            // Change the text of the text control.
            this.txt.text = "Email : " + this.tfd.text
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    global dlg, txt, tfd
    # Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")
    main.setChildMargins(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01)

    # Adds a text control to the main layout.
    txt = ui.addText(main, "Email: ", "", 0.7)

    # Adds a button to show the dialog.
    btn = ui.addButton(main, "Show Dialog", "Contained,Primary")

    # Add a callback handler for `ontouch` event on the button control
    # to show the Dialog component

    bodyText = "To subscribe to this website, please enter your email address here. We will send updates occasionally."

    # Initialize the dialog.
    dlg = ui.addDialog("Subscribe", bodyText, "Cancel,Subscribe")

    # Add a callback handler for `onaction` event on the Dialog componenti

    # Adding textfield to the main layout
    tfd = ui.addTextField(dlg.layout, "", "Filled")
    tfd.label = "Email Address"

def showDialog(event):

def onAction(action, index):
    # Check the button that is clicked.
    if action == "Subscribe":
        # Change the text of the text control.
        txt.text = "Email: " + tfd.text
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The following methods are available on the Dialog object:

String: “The dialog title text.”
String: “The dialog message to be shown.”
String: “A comma separated text for action buttons.”
String: comma “,” separated: “Colors: `Primary` `Secondary`
`Util`: `NoCancel` prevents the dialog from closing on action.”
String: Sets or returns the dialog text.
String: Sets or returns the title text color in hexadecimal format.
String: Sets or returns the dialog title text.
function( text, index )
Hide the dialog
Adds a callback function when the action buttons are click
Adds a callback function when the dialog is close
Show the dialog
Layout:'Returns the layout of the dialog where you can add custom controls.'