

Hello World
- Properties
- Methods

Adds an image into your layout.

img = ui.addImage( parent, file, options, width, height ) → Object: Image Component.

Please note that a canvas image cannot switch to Button or Avatar in setOptions method.


These are the setter and getter properties for the addImage Component.


Example - Basic Image

class Main extends App
        // Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout( "main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

        var image = ""

        // Add an image control to the main layout with a width of 7/10 of the parent width
        this.img = ui.addImage(this.main, image, "", 0.5)

        // Add callback handler for `onTouch` event on the image control
        this.img.setOnTouch( this.onTouch )

        ui.showPopup( "You touched the mango!" )
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

    image = ""

    img = ui.addImage(main, image, "", 0.5)


def onTouch(event):
    ui.showPopup("You touched the mango!")
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Example - Avatar

class Main extends App
        // Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout( "main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

        var image = ""

        // Add an image control to the main layout.
        // Avatar option will ignore the width of the image control.
        this.img = ui.addImage(this.main, image, "Avatar")

        // Add callback handler for `onTouch` event on the image control
        this.img.setOnTouch( this.onTouch )

        ui.showPopup( "You touched the mango!" )
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

    image = ""

    img = ui.addImage(main, image, "Avatar")


def onTouch(event):
    ui.showPopup("You touched the mango!")
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Example - Button

class Main extends App
        // Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout( "main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

        var image = ""

        // Add an image control to the main layout.
        // `Button` option will add touch effect when image is click.
        this.img = ui.addImage(this.main, image, "Button", 0.5)

        // Add callback handler for `onTouch` event on the image control
        this.img.setOnTouch( this.onTouch )

        ui.showPopup( "You touched the mango!" )
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

    image = ""

    img = ui.addImage(main, image, "Button", 0.5)


def onTouch(event):
    ui.showPopup("You touched the mango!")
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Example - Drawings

class Main extends App
        // Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout( "main", "Linear", "VCenter", 1, 1 )

        // Add an image control into the main layout.
        // Pass canvas option to enable drawings on the image
        this.img = ui.addImage( this.main, "", "canvas", 1, 1 )
        this.img.lineCap = "round"
        this.img.lineJoin = "round"

        // Draw a line from (130, 40) to (300, 500)
        this.img.drawLine( 130, 40, 300, 500, "#009688", 10)

        // Draw a square from (320, 200) with a side of 200
        this.img.drawSquare( 320, 200, 200, "#683ab7")

        // Draw a circle centered at (400, 300) with a radius of 300
        this.img.drawCircle(400, 300, 250, "#00000000", "", 20)

        // Draw an arc centered at (800, 200) with a radius of 100
        // from 40 degrees to 270 degrees
        this.img.drawArc(800, 200, 100, 40, 270, "#44009688", "#009688", 10)

        // Draw a polyline from the given set of points below.
        var points = [
            [20, 40],
            [300, 340],
            [140, 500]
        this.img.lineCap = "square"
        this.img.lineJoin = "miter"
        this.img.drawPolyline( points, "blue", 10 )
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter", 1, 1)

    img = ui.addImage(main, "", "canvas", 1, 1)
    img.lineCap = "round"
    img.lineJoin = "round"

    img.drawLine(130, 40, 300, 500, "#009688", 10)

    img.drawSquare(320, 200, 200, "#683ab7")

    img.drawCircle(400, 300, 250, "#00000000", "", 20)

    img.drawArc(800, 200, 100, 40, 270, "#44009688", "#009688", 10)

    points = [
        [0, 0],
        [400, 40],
        [20, 40],
        [300, 340],
        [140, 500]
    img.lineCap = "square"
    img.lineJoin = "miter"
    img.drawPolyline(points, "blue", 10)
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Example - Text and Shapes

class Main extends App
        // create a main layout with object vertically centered
        this.main = ui.addLayout( "main", "Linear", "VCenter", 1, 1 );

        // add a canvas image
        this.img = ui.addImage( this.main, "", "canvas", "300px", "500px");

        // draw rectangle
        this.img.drawRectangle(0, 0, 300, 500, "#fff", "", 4);

        // draw polygon
            {x: 300, y: 0},
            {x: 300, y: 500},
            {x: 0, y: 500}

        // draw text
        this.img.textSize = 100;
        this.img.textWeight = "bold";
        this.img.fillColor = "white";
        this.img.drawText("Hello", 30, 225, "", "", 3);
        this.img.drawText("World", 10, 325, "", "", 3);
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter", 1, 1)

    img = ui.addImage(main, "", "canvas", "300px", "500px")

    img.drawRectangle(0, 0, 300, 500, "#fff", "", 4)

        {"x": 300, "y": 0},
        {"x": 300, "y": 500},
        {"x": 0, "y": 500}

    img.textSize = 100
    img.textWeight = "bold"
    img.fillColor = "white"
    img.drawText("Hello", 30, 225, "", "", 3)
    img.drawText("World", 10, 325, "", "", 3)
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Example - Analog Clock

class Main extends App
        // Create a linear layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout( "main", "Linear", "VCenter", 1, 1 )

        ui.addAppBar( this.main, "Analog Clock" )

        // Create a canvas image
        this.img = ui.addImage( this.main, "", "canvas", "300px", "300px" )

        // Set the initial line styles
        this.img.lineCap = "round"
        this.img.lineWidth = 4
        this.img.strokeColor = "#009688"
        this.img.lineJoin = "round"

        // Create a text to display the time
        this.time = ui.addText(this.main, "00:00:00", "h6,bold")
        this.time.setMargins(0, 0.05, 0, 0)

        // Call the draw function every second
        setInterval( this.draw.bind(this), 1000)

        // Clear all the drawings first in the canvas

        let x, y, n

        // Draw the 12 dot for every hour
        for( n=1; n<=12; n++ ) {
            x = 130 * Math.cos( n * (Math.PI/6) )
            y = 130 * Math.sin( n * (Math.PI/6) )

            x += 150
            y += 150

            this.img.drawCircle(x, y, 4, "#311b92")

        var date = new Date()

        // Get the hour, minutes and seconds
        var hour = date.getHours() > 12 ? date.getHours()-12 : date.getHours();
        var minutes = date.getMinutes()
        var seconds = date.getSeconds()

        // Calculate the corresponding angles
        var hourAngle = hour * ( Math.PI / 6) - ( Math.PI/2 )
        var minAngle = minutes * ( Math.PI / 30 ) - ( Math.PI/2 )
        var secAngle = seconds * ( Math.PI / 30 ) - ( Math.PI/2 )

        // Draw each hand by calling the drawHand function
        this.drawHand(hourAngle, 80, 7, "#311b92")
        this.drawHand(minAngle, 100, 4, "#1e88e5")
        this.drawHand(secAngle, 110, 2, "#d81b60")

        // Draw the black cirlce in the center
        this.img.drawCircle(150, 150, 8, "#000")

        // Display the time
        this.time.text = (`${hour}`.padStart(2, '0')) + ":"+
            (`${minutes}`.padStart(2, '0'))+":" +
            (`${seconds}`.padStart(2, '0')) + (date.getHours() > 12 ? " PM" : " AM")

    drawHand( angle, length, width, color )
        var x, y

        x = length * Math.cos( angle )
        y = length * Math.sin( angle )

        x += 150
        y += 150

        // Draw the hand
        this.img.drawLine(150, 150, x, y, color, width )
from hybrid import ui
import math

def OnStart():
    global img, time
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter", 1, 1)

    ui.addAppBar(main, "Analog Clock")

    img = ui.addImage(main, "", "canvas", "300px", "300px")

    img.lineCap = "round"
    img.lineWidth = 4
    img.strokeColor = "#009688"
    img.lineJoin = "round"

    time = ui.addText(main, "00:00:00", "h6,bold")
    time.setMargins(0, 0.05, 0, 0)

    app.SetInterval(draw.bind(), 1000)

def draw():

    x, y, n = 0, 0, 0

    for n in range(1, 13):
        x = 130 * math.cos(n * (math.pi / 6))
        y = 130 * math.sin(n * (math.pi / 6))

        x += 150
        y += 150

        img.drawCircle(x, y, 4, "#311b92")

    date =

    hour = date.hour if date.hour <= 12 else date.hour - 12
    minutes = date.minute
    seconds = date.second

    hourAngle = hour * (math.pi / 6) - (math.pi / 2)
    minAngle = minutes * (math.pi / 30) - (math.pi / 2)
    secAngle = seconds * (math.pi / 30) - (math.pi / 2)

    drawHand(hourAngle, 80, 7, "#311b92")
    drawHand(minAngle, 100, 4, "#1e88e5")
    drawHand(secAngle, 110, 2, "#d81b60")

    img.drawCircle(150, 150, 8, "#000")

    time.text = (
        str(hour).zfill(2) + ":" +
        str(minutes).zfill(2) + ":" +
        str(seconds).zfill(2) +
        " " +
        ("PM" if date.hour > 12 else "AM")

def drawHand(angle, length, width, color):
    x = length * math.cos(angle)
    y = length * math.sin(angle)

    x += 150
    y += 150

    img.drawLine(150, 150, x, y, color, width)
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Example - Scratch Pad

class Main extends App
            this.color = "#000000"
            this.main = ui.addLayout( "main", "Linear", "Top", 1, 1 );
            this.main.setChildMargins(0, 0.01, 0, 0.01);

            var lay = ui.addLayout( this.main, "Linear", "Horizontal,Center,VCenter", 1)
            lay.setChildMargins(0.01, 0, 0.01, 0);

            var colors = ["#009688", "#673ab7", "#e53935", "#1e88e5"]

            ui.addText( lay, "Color", "H5");
            for( var i=0; i<colors.length; i++ ) {
                var btn = ui.addLayout( lay, "Linear", "", "48px", "48px" )
                btn.backColor = colors[i];
                btn.setOnTouch( this.changeColor.bind(this, colors[i]) );

            ui.addText( this.main, "Thickness", "H5")
            this.sld = ui.addSlider( this.main, 5, "", 0.9)
            this.sld.setRange(5, 25);
            this.sld.value = 15;

            this.img = ui.addImage( this.main, "", "canvas", 0.96, 0.7);
            this.img.fill = "#e0e0e0";
            this.img.setOnTouchMove( this.draw );
            this.img.setOnTouchDown( this.draw );
            this.img.setOnTouch( this.draw );

        changeColor( color ) { this.color = color; }

        draw( e ) {
            this.img.drawCircle( e.x, e.y, this.sld.value, this.color, "", 0 )
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    color = "#000000"
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "Top", 1, 1)
    main.setChildMargins(0, 0.01, 0, 0.01)

    lay = ui.addLayout(main, "Linear", "Horizontal,Center,VCenter", 1)
    lay.setChildMargins(0.01, 0, 0.01, 0)

    colors = ["#009688", "#673ab7", "#e53935", "#1e88e5"]

    ui.addText(lay, "Color", "H5")
    for color in colors:
        btn = ui.addButton(lay, "", color)
        btn.onClick = changeColor

def changeColor():
    color = sender.backgroundColor
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The following methods are available on the Image object:

getPixelColor( x, y ) → List
getPixelData() → String
getPosition( options ) → Object
setScale( x, y )
Boolean: Value. Can be `true` `false`
Boolean: Sets or returns the disabled state of the control.
Boolean: Returns whether the control is visible or not.
Number: Fraction of the screen width.
Number: Fraction of the screen height.
Number: The time in milliseconds.
Number: The z-index. A negative value behaves like `sendBackward` method.
Number: The x-coordinate of the center of the arc in pixels.
Number: The y-coordinate of the center of the arc in pixels.
Number: The radius of the arc in pixels.
Number: The starting angle in degress
Number: The angle in degress in which the arc will stop.
Number: The stroke thickness.
Number: The x-coordinate of the center of the circle in pixels.
Number: The y-coordinate of the center of the circle in pixels.
Number: The radius of the circle in pixels.
Number: The stoke thickness.
Number: The distance from the left of the top-left corner of the image in pixels.
Number: The distance from the top of the top-left corner of the image in pixels.
Number: If provided,  the image will be shrink or stretch to fill this width in pixels.
Number: If provided,  the height of the image will be shrink or stretch to fill this height in pixels.
Number: The x-coordinate of the starting point in pixels.
Number: The y-coordinate of the starting point in pixels
Number: The x-coordinate of the second point in pixels.
Number: The y-coordinate of the second point in pixels.
Number: The x-coordinate in pixels.
Number: The y-coordinate in pixels.
Number: The distance from the left of the top-left corner of the rectangle in pixels.
Number: The distance from the top of the top-left corner of the rectangle in pixels.
Number: The width of the rectangle in pixels.
Number: The height of the rectangle in pixels.
Number: The position from the left of the top-left corner of the square in pixels.
Number: The distance from the top of the top-left corner of the square in pixels.
Number: The width of the square in pixels.
Number: The stroke thickness in pixels.
Number: The x-coordinate of the pixel from the left.
Number: The y-coordinate of the pixel from the top.
Number: The z-index. A positve value behaves like `bringForward` method.
Number: Border-left thickness in pixels.
Number: Top-Left border radius in pixels.
Number: Top-Right border radius in pixels.
Number: Bottom-Left border radius in pixels.
Number: Bottom-Right border radius in pixels.
Number: Fraction of the parent width.
Number: Fraction of the parent height.
Number: Fraction of the component width.
Number: Fraction of the component height. [0-1]
Number: Fraction of the component width. [0-1]
Number: Fraction of the parent width. [0-1]
Number: Fraction of the screen height. [0-1]
Number: The x-scale of the component.Values less than `0` is smaller than the normal. While values greater than `1` is greater than the normal.
Number: The y-scale of the component. Values less than `1` is smaller than the normal. While vaues greater than `1` is greater than the normal.
Number: Fraction of the parent height. [0-1]
Number: Returns the absolute height of the control in pixels.
Number: Returns the absolute distance of the control from the left in pixels.
Number: Returns the absolute distance of the control from the top in pixels.
Number: Returns the absolute width of the control in pixels.
Number: Sets or returns the border thickness in pixels.
Number: Sets or returns the corner radius in pixels.
Number: Sets or returns the height of the control as a fraction of the parent control.
Number: Returns the distance of the control from the left.
Number: Sets or returns the current line thickness.
Number: Sets or returns the maximum miter length.
Number: Sets or returns the opacity of the control.
Number: Sets or returns the angle of rotation in degrees.
Number: Sets or returns the text-size for drawing in the canvas.
Number: Returns the distance of the control from the top.
Number: Sets or returns the width of the control as a fraction of the parent control.
String: “The path to the image.”
String: “A comma seprated options for the image. Can be `Canvas` `Button` or `Avatar`”
String: “The type of animation. Here are the available values
`bounce` `flash` `pulse` `rubberBand` `shakeX` `shakeY` `headShake` `swing` `tada` `wobble` `jello` `heartBeat`
`Back Entrances `backInDown` `backInLeft` `backInRight` `backInUp`
`Back Exits `backOutDown` `backOutLeft` `backOutRight` `backOutUp`
`Bouncing Entrances `bounceIn` `bounceInDown` `bounceInLeft` `bounceInRight` `bounceInUp`
`Bouncing exits `bounceOut` `bounceOutDown` `bounceOutLeft` `bounceOutRight` `bounceOutUp`
`Fading entrances `fadeIn` `fadeInDown` `fadeInDownBig` `fadeInLeft` `fadeInLeftBig` `fadeInRight` `fadeInRightBig` `fadeInUp` `fadeInUpBig` `fadeInTopLeft` `fadeInTopRight` `fadeInBottomLeft` `fadeInBottomRight`
`Fading exits `fadeOut` `fadeOutDown` `fadeOutDownBig` `fadeOutLeft` `fadeOutLeftBig` `fadeOutRight` `fadeOutRightBig` `fadeOutUp` `fadeOutUpBig` `fadeOutTopLeft` `fadeOutTopRight` `fadeOutBottomRight` `fadeOutBottomLeft`
`Flippers `flip` `flipInX` `flipInY` `flipOutX` `flipOutY`
`Lightspeed `lightSpeedInRight` `lightSpeedInLeft` `lightSpeedOutRight` `lightSpeedOutLeft`
`Rotating Entrances `rotateIn` `rotateInDownLeft` `rotateInDownRight` `rotateInUpLeft` `rotateInUpRight`
`Rotating Exits `rotateOut` `rotateOutDownLeft` `rotateOutDownRight` `rotateOutUpLeft` `rotateOutUpRight`
`Specials `hinge` `jackInTheBox` `rollIn` `rollOut`
`Zooming Entrances `zoomIn` `zoomInDown` `zoomInLeft` `zoomInRight` `zoomInUp`
`Zooming Exits `zoomOut` `zoomOutDown` `zoomOutLeft` `zoomOutRight` `zoomOutUp`
`Sliding Entrances `slideInDown` `slideInLeft` `slideInRight` `slideInUp`
`Sliding Exits `slideOutDown` `slideOutLeft` `slideOutRight` `slideOutUp`.”
String: “A hexadecimal color.”
String: “Path to image file.”
String: “The mode of the measurements. Values can be `px` or `%`”
String: “Border color in hexadecimal form `#rrggbb`”
String: “Border-styles. Values can be `dotted` `dashed` `solid` `double` `groove` `ridge` `inset` and `outset`. Default is `solid`”
String: “Unit. Values are `px` `rem` or `%`.”
String: “The path to the image file.”
String: “`px` or `%`”
String: “The size thickness mode. Can be `px`”
String: “Unit of measurement. Can be `px` or `%` or any css unit of measurement.”
String: A hexadecimal color of the form #rrggbb
String: The path to your image file.
String: Sets or returns the border color. Color is in hexadecimal form #rrggbb
String: Sets or returns the border style. Values can be dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset and outset. Default is solid.
String: Sets or returns the material icon for error placeholder image.
String: Sets or returns the path or url of the image file.
String: Sets or returns the background color of the canvas.
String: Sets or returns the fill color used on close paths such as square, circle, rectangle or arcs.
String: Sets or returns the relative path to the font-family use.
String: Sets or returns the style of the end caps for a line. Values can be square round butt
String: Sets or returns the type of corner created when two lines meet. Values bevel round miter
String: Sets or returns the options of the control.
String: Sets or returns the current color of the line or stroke.
String: Sets or returns the color of the text.
String: Sets or returns the text-style for drawing in the canvas. Values are normal and italic.
String: Returns the type of the control.
String: Sets or returns the visibility of the control.
Object: The parent layout where to add the image.
Object: The pointer event object.
Object: The click event object.
Object: Returns the parent layout control.
Object: Returns the position of the control. The returned object has left top right and bottom props.
List: An array of coordinates. Each element on this array if an array of the form `[x, y]` where `x` is the x-coordinate of a point and `y` is the y-coordinate of a point.
List: Sets or returns the margin of the control. Works on controls with Linear parent only. You can also pass a number to set equal margins for all sides.
List: Sets or returns the padding of the control. You can also pass a number to set equal padding for all sides.
List: Returns the pixel data of the image.
function( event )
function( event )
Animate the component
Bring this component forward by a given z-index
Clears the drawings by filling the whole canvas with white background color
Destroy the component
Draws an arc in the canvas
Draws a circle in the canvas
Draws an image to the canvas
Draws a line between two points in the canvas
Draws a single pixel point in a specified coordinate
Draws a polygon on the canvas by passing an array of points
Draws a polyline on the canvas by passing an array of points
Draws a rectangle into the canvas
Draws a square into the canvas
Enable or disbale the context menu or the right click menus
Get the pixel color of a single pixel in the image
Returns the pixel data of the image
Returns the position of the component. The return object is of the form `{ left, top, right, bottom
Destroy the component
Hide the component
Bring this component backward by a given z-index
Sets the border line for the component container
Sets the corner radius of the component
Update the image file
Sets the margin of the component
Adds a callback function on right click
Sets a callback function on load event
Adds a callback handler when the component is touch
Sets a callback function when the a mouse move event is triggered
Sets the padding component container
Sets the position of the component relative to its parent dimensions
Sets the x and y scaling of the component
Sets the size of the component
Show the component